Aubergines, mozzarella, parmesan, sauce tomate, basilic.
Aubergines, mozzarella, parmesan, sauce tomate, basilic.
Scamorza rôtie, jambon italien San Daniele, roquette.
Rosted scamorza, italian ham San Daniele, arugula salad.
Buratta, tomates de saison, pesto rosso, basilic frais
Buratta, fresh tomatoes, red pesto, basil.
Jambon San Daniele, mortadella, spianata piccante, felino, coppa, focaccia
Italian ham, mortadella, deli meats, dry sausage, coppa, focaccia.
Fried squid, tartar sauce.
Calamars frits, sauce tartare
Salade, tomates de saison, thon émietté, concombre, poivrons verts, radis, basilic,
olives, cébette, anchois.
Salad, fresh tomatoes, tuna, cucumber, green pepper, radish, basil, olives, spring
onion, anchovys.
Sauce tomate, origan, ail.
Tomato sauce, origan, garlic.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, basilic.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basilic.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, jambon cuit, champignons, olives.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, italian cocked ham, mushrooms, olives.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, jambon cuit, artichauts, champignons de Paris, olives.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella fior di latte, italian cocked ham, artichokes, Paris mushrooms, olives.
Mozzarella fior di latte, mortadelle, pistaches, mozzarella fraiche.
Mozzarella, mortadelle, pistachio, fresh mozzarella.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella, spianata. .
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, spicy salami.
Mozzarella fior di latte, gorgonzola, scamorza, parmesan.
Mozzarella, gorgonzola, scamorza, parmesan.
Mozzarella fior di latte, jambon cru, roquette, mozzarella fraiche, tomates cerises grappe.
Mozzarella fior di latte, Italian Ham, arugula salad, fresh mozzarella, tomato cherry.
Sauce tomate, ricotta, mozzarella fior di latte, salami piccante.
Tomato sauce, ricotta, mozzarella fior di latte, spicy salami.
Mozzarella, crème de truffe, lamelles de truffe, fleur de sel.
Mozzarella, creamy truffle, fresh truffle chips, salt.
Sauce tomate, origan, ail.
Tomato sauce, origan, garlic.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, basilic.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basilic.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, jambon cuit, champignons, olives.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, italian cocked ham, mushrooms, olives.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, jambon cuit, artichauts, champignons de Paris, olives.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella fior di latte, italian cocked ham, artichokes, Paris mushrooms, olives.
Mozzarella fior di latte, mortadelle, pistaches, mozzarella fraiche.
Mozzarella, mortadelle, pistachio, fresh mozzarella.
Sauce tomate, mozzarella, spianata. .
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, spicy salami.
Mozzarella fior di latte, gorgonzola, scamorza, parmesan.
Mozzarella, gorgonzola, scamorza, parmesan.
Mozzarella fior di latte, jambon cru, roquette, mozzarella fraiche, tomates cerises grappe.
Mozzarella fior di latte, Italian Ham, arugula salad, fresh mozzarella, tomato cherry.
Sauce tomate, ricotta, mozzarella fior di latte, salami piccante.
Tomato sauce, ricotta, mozzarella fior di latte, spicy salami.
Mozzarella, crème de truffe, lamelles de truffe, fleur de sel.
Mozzarella, creamy truffle, fresh truffle chips, salt.
Huile d’olive, ail, basilic, parmesan, pignons de pin.
Basil, parmesan, pine nuts, olive oil, garlic.
Guanciale, pecorino, parmesan, jaune d’oeuf, poivre noir.
Italian « Guanciale », pecorino, parmesan cheese, egg yolk, black pepper.
Sauce tomate, aubergine, ricotta salée, ail, basilic.
Tomato sauce, eggplant, salt ricotta, garlic, basil.
Palourdes, huile d’olive, vin blanc, ail, persil
Clams, olive oil, white wine, garlic, parsley.
Pâtes fraiches, crème de truffe, lamelles de truffe.
Fresh pasta, truffle cream, fresh truffle.
Viande de bœuf, parmesan, jaune d’œuf, oignons rouges, olives, câpres, frites maison, salade.
Beef tartare, parmesan cheese, egg yolk, red onions, olive, capre, homemade french fries, salad.
Côte de veau pannée (450 gr), écrasé de pomme de terre maison, légumes confits, citron.
Breaded veal cutlet (450 gr), homemade mashed potatoes, pan-fried vegetable, lemon.
Thon mi-cuit, riz vénéré, vinaigre balsamique de Modène, sauce vierge, roquette.
Half-cocked tuna, balsamic vinegar from Modena, venere rice, virgin sauce, arugula salad.
Poulpe rôti, légumes confits, écrasé de pomme de terre maison.
Rosted octopus, pan-fried vegetables, homemade mashed potatoes.
Pièce de bœuf (500 gr), jus de viande sauge et romarin, fleur de sel, frites maison, salade.
Piece of beef (500 gr), sage and rosemary sauce, salt, homemade french fries, salad.
Penne (beurre ou pesto) + 1 boisson + 1 boule de glace.
Penne (butter or pesto) + 1 drink + 1 scoop of ice-cream.
Mini-pizza (Margherita ou Regina) + 1 boisson + 1 boule de glace.
Small-pizza (Margherita or Regina) + 1 drink + 1 scoop of ice-cream.
Traditionnel au café.
Traditional tiramisù with coffee.
Pâte sablée, crème de citron, meringue.
Shortcrust, lemon cream, meringue.
Baba au Rhum, chantilly.
Rhum cake, whipped cream
Gâteau aux amandes, caramel fondant, glace vanille.
Cake with almond, creamy caramel, vanilla ice cream.
Pizza au Nutella.
Nutella pizza.
Dolce al cioccolato by Mesiano
Chocolate cake by Mésiano.
Glaces : Café, Vanille, Caramel beurre salé, Chocolat, Pâte à tartiner noisette, Pistache
Icecream : Coffee, Vanilla, Salted butter caramel, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Pistacchio.
Supplément chantilly / Supplement whipped cream : 1 €
Sorbets : Abricot, Citron, Fraise, Fruit de la passion, Noix de coco, Pêche de vigne.
Sorbets : Apricot, Lemon, Strawberry, Passion fruit, Coconut, Vine peach.
Supplément chantilly / Supplement whipped cream : 1 €
Orange, pomme, tomate, abricot
Citron, fraise, grenadine, menthe, pêche
Boule de glace vanille
Apérol (4 cl), Prosecco, soda, rondelle orange fraiche.
Apérol (4 cl), Prosecco, soda. orange slice.
Vodka 42 below (3 cl), liqueur fruit de la passion (2 cl). Prosecco, jus fruit de la passion, sirop vanille.
Vodka 42 below (3 cI), passion fruit liqueur (2 cl), Prosecco, passion frut juice, vanilles sirup.
St-Germain (4 cl), Prosecco, soda, jus de citron vert, menthe fraiche, rondelle de citron.
St-Germain (4 cl). Prosecco, soda. lime juice, fresh mint, lemon slice.
Rhum Bacardi Carra Blanca (4 cl), menthe fraiche, citron vert, sucre de canne, Angostura, soda.
Rhum Bacardi Carra Blanca (4 cl), fresh mint, lime, brown sugar, Angostura, soda.
Vodka 42 below (3 cI), liqueur de café (2 cl), café.
Vodka 42 below (3 cl), coffee liquor (2 cl), coffee.
Gin Bombay original (4 cl), Martini Riserva (2 cl), sirop de miel. jus de citron, tonic.
Original Gin Bombay (4 cl), Martini Riserva (2 cl), honey syrup. lime juice, tonic.
Gin (3 cl), Martini rouge (3 cl), Campari (3 cl), rondelle orange fraiche.
Gin (3 cl), Red Martini (3 cl), Campari (3 cl), orange slice.
Vodka Eristoff (4 cl), jus de citron vert, Ginger Beer.
Vodka Eristoff (4 cl), lime juice, Ginger Beer.
Citron vert, menthe fraiche, sucre de canne, soda, jus de pomme.
Lime, fresh mint, bramai sugar, soda, apple juice.
Jus d'ananas, jus de fruit de la passion, jus de citron, sirop de grenadine, rondelle orange fraiche.
Pineapple juice, passion fruit juice, letton _pare, grenadine sirup, orange slice.
Martini Vibrante Spritz, tonic, jus de pamplemousse, rondelle orange fraiche.
Martini Vibrante Spritz, tonic, grapefruit juice, orange slice.
10:00 - 16:00 • 19:00 - 00:00
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Pagamento sem contato, Eurocard/Mastercard, Títulos de restaurante, Dinheiro, Visa, Cartão Azul
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